Go Build, Dockerize And Deploy A Go Application In the recent few years, Go has become one of the favourite options, when it comes to building lightweight, fast and scalable services. In this tutorial, I will be going
Software Engineering Let's build a URL shortener in Go - Final Part : Forwarding Throughout the previous tutorial parts, we have been able to build all the necessary components that would lead to the end goal of generating short URL and forwarding to the
Software Engineering Let's build a URL shortener in Go - Part III : Short Link Generator Recall that in the previous part [https://www.eddywm.com/lets-build-a-url-shortener-in-go-with-redis-part-2-storage-layer/] , we were able to set up, build and test the storage layer of our link shortener. During this part
Software Engineering Let's build a URL shortener in Go - Part II : Storage Layer In this part, we will be focusing on designing, building, and unit test the storage layer of our links shortener service
Software Engineering Let's build a URL shortener in Go - Part I It's probably fair to say we have all used a shortened url at least once in our lifetime, these small utilities services are quite helpful in reducing noise